
This is (or will be once I get all the bits in) kind of a grab-bag site.

Programming Bits

For both profession and hobby, I'm a programmer and so you may find some of my hobby work here (work bits stay at work. Sorry Formscape users, see if Epicor will resell my log analyzer):

First, is the Stella Deus Fusion Calculator, initially translated from .NET to Java, then fixed and enhanced.

For a time, I was taken up in Travian. A project that used about 7 different programming languages (PHP, C#, C++, SQL, shell script & more)

More recently, I've been applying my Travian work to earthquakes, which has progressed to working with census data. Purely Java work, interfacing with Google Earth

Sometimes, I think on different topics. Most recently, on the matters where America appears to be reaching beyond the edge of insanity... While I profess no expertise at thinking, I suspect that some people might find them of interest, so I offer here my own thoughts and conclusions in the hope that someone might learn from them.

On a related note, I'm still trying to figure out why websites insist on a white background and black text, as of all the choices that is the one that is hardest on the eyes for anyone using a cheap CRT. Even a tiny misalignment in the electron guns will render the text into a blur, and it's rare for me to find a cheap CRT without that misalignment. So let your eyesight rejoice in my friendly choice of colors for this page. (Yes, LCD screens are common, some people still have CRTs... the colorscheme should also be good for battery life of handhelds...)


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